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SARTrack Android App

The SARTrackApp is no longer available in the Google Play Store, due to ongoing technical problems with this.
You can safely download and install it
directly from the SARTrack website, at

or by scanning this with your Android device:

Read the Privace statement here.

The SARTrackApp will be continuously updated while development continues.
If you are going to participate using the current version of the App, you will be added to the SARTrack-SAR-Alpha mailing list for information and discussions.

Requirements: A phone or Tablet running Android 6.0 or higher.
Feedback needed: Please report any issues to the developer:

Send all Bug reports using the Debug>Email Debug option in the App, with an explanation what went wrong.
Sometimes I may ask for a Screenshot, which you generally can make by pressing the Volume-Down and Power button at the same time for a second. You can then Share the screenshot via email.

And sorry, but NO: There will NOT be an IPhone version, because 70% of all the source code would have to be rewritten, and many things are in fact impossible on an IPhone (and there are other reasons too).

What does it do?

SARTrack App is designed to work within the existing SARTrack system, and requires the use of the SARTrack Database Server and SARTrack (MS-Windows) Clients. It cannot be used on its own.
The App is unique in the way it is designed to operate when Internet is not available, which is a normal situation in Search and Rescue, but as a result is also of extreme value in Emergency situations, when the infrastructure is damaged.

The App currently has the following functions:

- Transmit its Location and Track back to the Database Server (either direct, or when it 
synchronizes with the Server)
- Transmit a Clue at its present position, including any photo taken (or loaded from the Library)
- Send and receive (APRS) Messages
- Show Stations and Objects on a Map (including Radio Trackers, Polylines etc.). However, this is currently using Google Maps, and therefore only available when Internet is available. An OSM based Map system is planned for the future.
- Tasks: receiving Tasks from Operation Management including pictures
- Logs: When the Login access lever is 'Operations' or higher, the Log system can be used to receive and send Log entries. (So a Supervisor must change the SARTrack Login access level for this Login to 'Operations' level or higher).
Coming at a later stage;
- Red Cross Welfare Check system

Personal Settings:

- Set personal Availability into the future (Available, Not-available, Enroute). This will be visible in the SARTrack Team Setup window.
- Edit personal details.

The Debug window shows developer debug information, and has a button to email the Debug file to SARTrack Limited for problem solving.

How does it work?

The App will first attempt to see if there is a WIFI connected. If so, it will send a request over the WIFI to see if a SARTrack Local Database Server is available. If that is the case, it will connect to this Local Server, and 
synchronize itself with it. If there is NO Local Server (or no WIFI) it will attempt to connect to the Internet Master Server. If WIFI available (with Internet access) this will happen over the WIFI, else it will try to use the Mobile Broadband network.

Assuming for a moment at the start of an Operation it is connected to the local WIFI based Server, possibly somewhere in the field at a remote location. At this point any Tasks can be send to the App, and any Messages between the App and other stations will be processed.
Objects will be send to the App including any Polylines (Search areas etc.) and other Objects.

If the device leaves the WIFI area, it will attempt to reconnect to the Internet Server. If this is not available it will keep trying.
While to App is out in the field, it will store its own Track (and wil try to transmit it life to the Server if possible).
The App can transmit a Clue at its present position, including an attached photo. Messages can be send (but will be stored if no connection with Server).

Once the App gets back in contact with a Database Server it will synchronize itself with it. Any stored Clues, Messages and its complete Track will be send to the Server, any waiting Messages, Tasks, Objects, Stations etc. will be send back to the App.
(Basically the App works as a Database Server itself.)

This means that in a situation where the device has been out-of-coverage the whole day, when it comes back into range of the local WIFI, all its stored data will appear on the SARTrack system.
In addition the App can connect to an APRS TNC (Radio Modem) via Bluetooth.
This will make it possible to:
- View all other Trackers and Objects on the Map (Note: Currently only Google Maps which require Internet)
- Send and receive APRS Messages via radio.
All this when Internet is not available.

All connections are done by the SARTrack Service in the background. When the Service is running the SARTrack Icon is always visible at the top of the device screen.
Closing the App will not close the background Service.
To completely shutdown SARTrack, use the "Shutdown" button which will terminate the connection with the Database Server and stop any Tracking via the GPS (if enabled).

Recommended initial setup for SARTrack People (in the People database):

In SARTrack (Windows version) connect to your Database Server (Supervisor access required).
In the People Management, select a person who has in fact an Android phone.
- Make sure the Mobile Phone number is correct, and is marked as an Android phone (with the Icon after the number)
- Make sure the primary Email Address is correct, because an email will be send to this person.
- On the Additional Info tab, 'Other', check the entry "Private Database Access". An automatic DTBLogin is generated which starts with "DTB#" followed by the MemberID code.  An automatic Password is also generated (but can be changed at this point).
- When the person is Saved, an email will be send to this person with all information required to setup the Android App.
The link between the DTBUser entry and the entry in the People databasse is used to enable the App to access the personal details of the person, including setting his/her Availability. So it is very important that this link is correct, e.g. the DTBUser  "People ID" must point to the correct person.

Alternative App setup:

In case of  setting up the SARTrack Member App for a person which is not (yet) in the People database, use the following procedure.
-In SARTrack DTBUsers, add a new Login for the specific SARTrack Member App:, with an Access Level of 'Private'. This will give this Login limited access to SARTrack data.
NOTE: It is possible to send and receive LOG's via the App. In this case a minimum Access Level of 'Operations' is required.

For the App user to be able to edit its own personal details, and to be able to assign the person to a Team and allocate Tasks, a link must be made to the People Database. You can do a search for the person by clicking the [F]ind button, and it is required that the First and Surname are identical to the People Database entry. Make sure it points to the right person!


In the App>Setup:

-- Login & Password: The one just setup in SARTrack DTBUsers.
-- Tactical name: Leave empty if it is required that Operations Management should be able to modify this.
-- Callsign: Enter a valid Amateur Radio callsign, or leave empty and a special Callsign will be auto-generated.
-- GroupID: Set to the SARTrack GroupID in use.


Other Setup fields:

- Internet Database Server: The domain name of your Internet Database Server.  The App will default to this Server if it cannot locate a Local Database Server on the connected WIFI.  If WIFI is available, the App will attempt to locate a Local Server, and it it finds one, it will connect to this. If this fails, it will try to connect to the Internet Server, either via a connected WIFI, or when not available, or it has no Internet access, it will try via the Mobile Broadband.
- Connect interval: When set to '0', the App will try to stay permanently connected. In this state it is possible to edit Personal details, and the App can be reached immediately by Operation management (Messages, Tasks, etc). However, this causes extra battery drainage.
If set to 5 or more minutes the App will connect every X minutes and synchronize its data with the Server (but at the moment, you cannot edit Personal settings).  Recommended: 5 minutes

- Send Location to Server: Will send the GPS location to the Server (either immediately, or during a synchronisation)  
Note: When there is NO 'Active Operation' the App will NOT send any location information to the Server.

-- GPS Position: By Time or By Movement.                  Recommended: By movement
-- Position Interval: Only used when set to By Time.     Recommended: 15 seconds
-- Min Distance: Only used when set to By Movement.    Recommended: 10 meters

- Require Stations feed: The App will receive any APRS Stations which have a Tactical name (e.g. Any non-SARTrack APRS Stations will not be received)
- Require Objects feed: The App will receive any Objects which either have a Tactical name or are SARTrack-generated Objects, including all Radio Trackers, Polylines, and Clue's.
- Require Log feed: Only available when the Login has 'Operations' level access or higher. Will receive all Logs, can Send Logs, and can change Log status.

This will enable the App to connect to a Bluetooth APRS TNC like the AP-510 / AVRT5 or the PLXTracker TRX1W and transmit and receive APRS data via radio, like Station position reports and APRS Messages. This makes it possible to have communications with the App when Internet (Mobile broadband) is not available.

Personal Settings:
NOTE: This only works when a DTB Login is linked to a person in the People Database, as mentioned above.

- Availability: The person cat set his/her Availability into the future, if they are available or not available, or enroute. Set the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time for the period, select Available/Not-Available/Enroute and set the Default Availability (for everything which is NOT specifically set).
This information will become visible in the SARTrack Team Setup and People Management windows.

AvailabilityPersonal Setup

Other Personal Settings can be changed as required.
NOTE that the App must be connected to a Server for this to work.

NOTE: Some of the screenshots below are out of date as there have been improvements in the user display system.

Transmitting a Clue.

A Clue is assumed to be an item found at a specific location (the current location of the device).
It can have an attached photo of the item.
When the App has connection to a Server, it will be transmitted immediately, else it will send it once it can synchronize itself with a Server.

                  SARTrack APP                                            SARTrack MS-Windows Client
Clue1SARTrack Clue